News Details

LifeViz II

MMC have introduced to the Lebanese market the 3D Imaging system for Skin analysis and simulation.

No need to block an exam room dedicated to photography. LifeViz_II With its unique technology, 3D LifeViz II™ produces life-like high quality images which are not mere 3D representations but true three dimensional reconstructions highlighting the relief and contours as if the subject were standing in front of you.

The 3D LifeViz II™ with its dual-beam pointer technology guarantees image reproducibility which is critical for repeatable and reliable image comparisons overtime. The system includes the QuantifiCare Software Suite for superior photo documentation capabilities, visualisation, skin analysis and simulation.

Your time is valuable. QuantifiCare is the first imaging company to offer automatic image transfer and 3D reconstruction of your photos directly onto your computer. With a single click, you can immediately use the visualization, comparison, analysis and / or simulation tools in 3D. One click…you play!


Improve patient education and follow up by creating personalized reports. My SkinCare Report is an easy to understand document which will facilitate dialogue and ultimately motivate your patients to undergo corrective treatments. With an intuitive interface, quickly and easily generate a customized full analysis including the following measurements: Wrinkles - Oiliness - Pores – Evenness - Red spots - Brown spots – Red map - Brown Map Compare your patient’s skin health against a matching population based on corresponding age, gender & skin type. The scores obtained will allow you to provide targeted treatment recommendations.


Differentiate and optimize your practice with the simulation tool – the 3D Face Shaper. In just a few seconds, project into the future and show your patient the benefits of aesthetic treatments or surgical interventions by replicas de relojes simulating before / after results on a real and complete 3D image. Highlight treatment options and meet your patient expectations with personalized 3D simulations. It will reassure your patients, increase retention and ultimately grow your repliky hodinek

The 3D LifeViz II™ system can be used for the face (lips, naso-labial folds, nose, cheeks, etc), the body, body contouring and for other indications such as wounds, dermatology scars and oncology lesions (acne, basal cell carcinoma …) etc. For smaller areas and finer skin microstructures, QuantifiCare has developed the 3D LifeViz Micro™ system. Using the same stereovision technology for the standard LifeViz™, it is capable of producing much closer images with extraordinary results.

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